Few Words About Us
During my 20 year career in oncology, with over a 100 research trials, thousands of performed biopsies and consultations, I have noticed that there is no universally comprehensive and effective system of lymph node assessment. There is a real need for the creation and implementation of a simple tool for better communication between radiologists, clinicians and pathologists concerning lymph node (LN) assessment; particularly giving a clear signal and describing risk of cancer involvement. The meaning of lymph nodes seems to be depreciated, nevertheless in all neoplastic tumors careful lymph node evaluation is crucial for correct staging in TNM and proper treatment decisions. The LN-RADS scoring system, universal for any diagnostic modality (e.g., US, CT, MRI), realizes the idea of simplifying it lymph node classification.
What Services We Offer
In-hospital training
Out of hospital
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Expert Doctors
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Project participans
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